Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Road Trip 2009

You are about to be out on your own. How many places have you been outside Childress, Texas? Some of you have traveled a lot; others probably have not been more than 100 miles from Childress. Either way, I am sure there are places that you would like to visit.

For this post, you are going to put together a road trip. Money is NOT an issue. The only rule is that the places you go have to be accessible by car (no planes or ships). That doesn’t mean you cannot go outside the US, just that you are able to get there by driving (i.e., Mexico, Canada).

Find five cities, landmarks, amusement parks, ballparks, museums, colleges, etc. that you would like to visit. Take your time…surf the web and do some real searching—don’t just pick the first five places that pop into your head. Then use mapquest to help you plan your trip (you may use another website if you know of one that is better). If you use mapquest, use the "Directions" box on the main page of the site to find the distances between places and then use that info to find the total distance of your trip. If you use another website the information boxes may be different, but you still need to find distances between places and then a total distance from start to finish. NOTICE: your stop and start place will be Childress--but you do not come home between destinations...hence, ROAD TRIP!!
For each of your Road Trip destinations, you need to include pictures (limit 3 per destination) and some information on places of interest you would visit—don’t copy and paste an entire website of information. All information needs to include a link to the website on which you found it—ASK if you do not know how to do this!!!

This is supposed to be fun! It is an opportunity to maybe plan a trip that you will someday actually take…so no griping!! ☺

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Here and There...

Go here and see what Trey has going on...very touching story!

Now go here and see what is going on with a coach many of you will remember!

Feel free to leave comments either place!! I think you will be moved by both blogs!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Story Spinner

Story Spinner

Story Spinner is a handheld creative writing wheel that generates millions of writing ideas, topics, and exercises so you never get stuck. It’s a low-tech item that produces high-caliber results, time after time, no matter where you are. It was invented in 1998 by Bonnie Neubauer.

I found an online version of this game...but just couldn't seem to find what I was looking for in the way of topics, etc. I decided to use this idea and come up with my own "story spinners." I have come up with three options from which you can choose. I will give you a setting, starting phrase and four words that must be used in your story. I want the four words to be a different color than the rest of your story, so that I can find them easily! You will use my exact phrase for the opening of your story, but please notice it is just a phrase--not a complete sentence--so you must complete the thought and then begin your story from there!

These stories need to be AT LEAST three paragraphs with no less than five sentences per paragraph.

I also want you to find a picture for your story and place it at the beginning of your post. You may choose to use several pictures throughout your story, as well.

I KNOW you will have fun with this!! :)

Option 1

Setting: Your childhood neighborhood

Starting Phrase: As she approached my friends and me...

Four words that must be included in the story: barefoot, cartoon, chandelier, gibberish

Option 2

Setting: An airport

Starting Phrase: The long scar just below his left eye...

Four words that must be included in the story: immature, credentials, squint, onions

Option 3

Setting: A dark alley

Starting Phrase: I remember asking...

Four words that must be included in the story: blame, headlights, stubborn, vestibule

Now...here's is an extra "spin" on this assignment! You may get with two others in your class and do this as a group assignment. You will still have your own story on your own blog, but only the first paragraph will be yours. Your friends will write the second and third one for you. You still have to follow the format above and use the required words! This means that you are still writing three paragraphs...just on three different stories! For those of you with ADHD, this should be perfect!! ;)


Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu

What do you think about the Swine Flu issue? You know I want details...not just one sentence! :) Google it before you blog if you don't feel like you know much about it!

Just so you know...this is NOT a good idea with all that is going on in the world right now!! ;)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Teacher's Story

There is a story many years ago of an elementary teacher. Her name was Mrs. Thompson. And as she stood in front of her 5th grade
class on the very first day of school, she told
the children a lie. Like most teachers, she looked at her
students and said that she loved them all the same. But that
was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named Teddy.

Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed
that he didn't play well with the other children, that his
clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath.
And Teddy could be unpleasant. It got to the point where
Mrs. Thompson would actually take delight in marking his
papers with a broad red pen, making bold X's and then putting
a big "F" at the top of his papers.

At the school where Mrs. Thompson taught,
she was required to review each child's past records and she put Teddy's off until last. However, when she reviewed his file,
she was in for a surprise.

Teddy's first grade teacher wrote,
"Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh.
He does his work neatly and has good
manners...he is a joy to be around."

His second grade teacher wrote,
"Teddy is an excellent student,
well-liked by his classmates, but he is troubled
because his mother has a terminal illness and life
at home must be a struggle."

His third grade teacher wrote,
"His mother's death has been hard on him.
He tries to do his best but his father doesn't
show much interest and his home life will soon affect
him if some steps aren't taken."

Teddy's fourth grade teacher wrote,
"Teddy is withdrawn and doesn't show much interest in school.
He doesn't have many friends and sometimes sleeps in class."

By now, Mrs. Thompson realized the problem and she was
ashamed of herself. She felt even worse when her students
brought her Christmas presents, wrapped in beautiful ribbons and bright paper, except for Teddy's. His present was clumsily wrapped in the heavy, brown paper that he got from a grocery bag.

Mrs. Thompson took pains to open it in the middle
of the other presents. Some of the children started to
laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the
stones missing and a bottle that was one quarter full of perfume.

She stifled the children's laughter when she exclaimed
how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some
of the perfume on her wrist.

Teddy stayed after school that day just long enough to say, "Mrs. Thompson, today you smelled just like my Mom used to."

After the children left she cried for at least an hour.

On that very day, she quit teaching reading, and writing, and arithmetic. Instead, she began to teach children.

Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy.
As she worked with him, his mind seemed to come alive.
The more she encouraged him, the faster he responded.
By the end of the year, Teddy had become one of the smartest
children in the the class and, despite her lie that she would love
all the children the same, Teddy became one of her "teacher's pets."

A year later, she found a note under her door, from Teddy,
telling her that she was still the best teacher he
ever had in his whole life.

Six years went by before she got another note from Teddy.
He then wrote that he had finished high school,
second in his class, and she was still the best teacher
he ever had in his whole life.

Four years after that, she got another letter, saying that while
things had been tough at times, he'd stayed in school,
had stuck with it, and would soon graduate from college
with the highest of honors. He assured Mrs. Thompson that she was
still the best and favorite teacher he ever had in his whole life.

Then four more years passed and yet another letter came.
This time he explained that after he got his bachelor's degree,
he decided to go a little further. The letter explained that she
was still the best and favorite teacher he ever had. But now
his name was a little longer. The letter was signed,
Theodore F. Stollard, M.D.

The story doesn't end there.
You see, there was yet another letter that spring.
Teddy said he'd met this girl and was going to be married.
He explained that his father had died a couple
of years ago and he was wondering if Mrs. Thompson might
agree to sit in the place at the wedding that was usually
reserved for the mother of the groom.

Of course, Mrs. Thompson, did. And guess what?
She wore that bracelet, the one with several rhinestones missing.
And she made sure she was wearing the perfume
that Teddy remembered his mother wearing on their last
Christmas together.

They hugged each other,
and Teddy whispered in Mrs. Thompson's ear,
"Thank you, Mrs. Thompson, for believing in me.
Thank you so much for making me feel important
and showing me that I could make
a difference."

Mrs. Thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered back.
She said, "Teddy, you have it all wrong.
You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference.
I didn't know how to teach until I met you."

Wow!! What a great story!! I found it here and wanted to share it with y'all. I thought today would be the perfect day to do this because we have retired teachers from our school district in our building! These individuals have touched so many lives and influenced so many students through the years! I know some of them have touched my life...and maybe the lives of you or your parents! They gave so much of themselves and for that reason we are honored to have them visiting us today!

I want you to go to your blog and tell me a story about a teacher who truly made a difference in your life--someone who loved you for you and encouraged you to be the best you could be. Don't even think about saying no teacher has ever made a difference for you!! You have been in school for at least 13 years, so I know you can think of one!! ;)

You know me...I want details! I know some of you already have the post started in your head...that's great!! You can include as much information about the teacher as you want, but I am really looking for actual stories about how they affected you personally. Details...details...details!!!

Have fun!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Comic Strip

I thought it would be fun to do something the day before Spring Break that we haven't done to this point on our blogs!! I found this website where you can create your own comic strip--fun!!

You need to go here and follow directions to create it. The only way I have found to get it to your blog is to do an 'apple+shift+4' and highlight the comic strip itself (after you have finished it and chosen the 'print/email icon). It will then be on your desktop and you can insert just like any picture we have put on our blogs in the past.

Of course, you must keep them school appropriate!! Have y'all heard that request at all from me this year??!!?? ;)

Have fun!!

Also, hope you have an AWESOME Spring Break!! Be safe--and SMART!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's a Contest!!

I know, I know...some of you think you were robbed in the past when we have had contests on our blogs! Well, here is your chance for some revenge!!!

You are going to write a poem about being a senior, your senior year, graduation, senioritis...you get the picture! Something about this year! :) They should be a reflection of you and your personality...they do NOT have to rhyme.

There are, of course, some rules:
1. They must be school-appropriate (not even any innuendos)!!!
2. They must be AT LEAST 12 lines long.
3. They must be your original work--no copy and paste from other websites or using someone else to write them!!!
4. They must be school-appropriate!!!
5. They cannot make fun of our school, faculty or anyone in our student body!
6. They must be posted on your blog by the end of your class period on Thursday (the 12th)--or they will not be eligible to win the contest.
7. Oh, and...they must be school-appropriate!!!

For those of you who tend to "forget" to post your blogs, please note that this particular blog will count as a TEST grade!! Do it!! ;)

Now, get to your blogs...and HAVE FUN!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Can you imagine what it would have been like to live in Salem during these witch trials? One day you are living a normal life and the next, you or a loved one has been arrested for witchcraft! Your life would be turned upside down in a matter of hours!

For today's blog post I want you to imagine that you had been accused of witchcraft. What would you do? How would you react? What could you do to prove your innocence? Would you accuse others or would you simply try to prove your own innocence? Pretend that you live in Salem during these witch trials and you have been accused. Go to your blog and write a letter to the church in your community that would prove your innocence and perhaps request help from the church itself. Remember, your life is on the line...be convincing!! You may also do more than just write a letter...you decide how far you will go to prove your innocence!

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Dresdon Dolls & French Toast

This post is unique...not much writing involved, which should make MOST of you happy! :) You have to follow these instructions, or this will not work!

1. Google "your name thinks"
ex: Amanda thinks (enter-web)
2. Find the answer on the results that pop up and that will be the title of your new hit song.
3. Now Google your new song title
ex: Milkshake (enter-web)
4. Find the name of your band from some of the results
5. Google your band name but this time find a picture
ex: The Dresdon Dolls (enter-images)
6. Now take the picture into a program where you can "create" an album cover (I just used Word) using the picture, name of your band, and name of song.
7. Save your cover as a picture, so that you can post it on your blog.
8. The title of your post needs to be the name of your new band! :)

Here are two that I did yesterday...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

10 Reasons I Love Spring Semester!

Can you believe you are about to graduate!?! You are almost through the first week of the next-to-last six weeks of your high school career!! And, it gets better...it's nearly SPRING TIME!! Y'all know how much fun everyone has in the spring semester! Go to your blogs and list the 10 reasons you LOVE the spring semester!!

Here's my list:

10 Reasons I Love the Spring Semester
1. The weather starts getting warmer...and we can enjoy the sunshine from our classroom.
2. The kids are all so eager to learn!!
3. Seniors are super excited to be in my class!
5. The wind blows a lot while we are out on the track!
6. Tornadoes!
7. The kids are all so eager to learn!!
8. The seniors are so desperately dreading graduation that they hang on every word I say, knowing it will be some of their last chances to study British Literature!!
9. All the students and teachers are really relaxed and fresh and no one is getting anxious for summer!!

OK, so maybe there is a HINT of sarcasm in my list...what can I say--I hang out with seniors all year!!! :) Feel free to follow suit, or you can be a little more sincere...either way, let's see your lists!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Reasons I am Thankful for My Parents!!

I told y'all I would do this...hope you enjoy my list--and my pics (also hope Mom doesn't kill me when she sees them!!)!!! BTW, I decided to do 35--not that that is my age or anything.... ;)

1. They love me no matter what!

2. They love to have fun!!
3. They were always supportive of my extra-curricular activities and still are!!

4. They were strict.
5. They make me want to be a better person by their example.

6. My mom always waited up on the couch for me to come in when I was a teenager, so we could talk (if I wanted to) about my night.

7. My dad used to hold me and let me drive--and we would sing at the top of our voices with the radio.
8. They pray for me.

9. They love KP!10. They are awesome grandparents!! 11. They have made many sacrifices in their lives to allow my brother, sisters and me to have things we wanted.
12. They have stayed together through better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and health....13. They both have great senses of humor--and make me laugh!! 14. They took us on family vacations every summer.

15. Dad fixed us breakfast every morning growing up, so that we could all have at least one meal together as a family.

16. Mom always did my laundry for me--and still would if I would just let her!!
17. They have always loved God and taught us to do the same.

18. My dad took me fishing and hunting all through my growing up years--even though I was a lousy girl! :)
19. My mom tries to teach me to cook--she has shared all her recipes but I cannot make them taste as good as hers!
20. My dad taught me how to throw a spiral!

21. My mom always has answers for my questions about my kids--she was extremely helpful when I was a panicking new parent!
22. They always provided a safe, secure place to come home to--and still do!

23. They took care of me when I couldn't take care of myself.

24. They helped pay for my college and encouraged me to get my diploma, even when I felt like giving up.

25. They always made CHRISTmas special!
26. My mom let me have tons of slumber parties!

27. My dad showed me how a woman should be treated by the way he treated my mom--and he did not let me accept boys who didn't live up to my (his) standards!

28. They took care of their parents, grandparents, great uncle & aunt...they taught me how to care for my family who couldn't care for themselves--and did it selflessly!!

29. My mom took pictures and filmed enough for me to not ever forget any moment of my life!!30. My dad taught me how to ride a bike.

31. They're cool!!
32. My mom helped with Girl Scouts and taught VBS and Bible class.

33. My dad coached my Little League Baseball teams.

34. They are proud of me!

35. They are my two of my best friends in the entire world!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


It's Parent Shadow Day! I am so excited to have parents in the building and in my classroom to see what y'all are doing!! I know there are all kinds of parents and sometimes they are actually your aunt, uncle, grandmother, etc. Regardless, they love you and have given selflessly to help you get to where you are right now!

With that in mind, today you are going to your blog and posting "18 Reasons I am Thankful for my Parents." Why 18? Because for the most part they will pour their hearts and souls into 18 years of your life before they allow you to go out on your own! When you finish with your list, I then want you to ask them to share 5 reasons they are thankful for you! Why 5? Because I have been around y'all for a while, and I feel for some of you 5 is about the max!! Just kidding!!! I just thought that would be a good number--they can always do more!! If your parents are not here, then you have homework!! :)

Ok, go to your blogs and get busy!! I would love for you to include a picture of your parents if you can--in case you don't know them, those are my parents on this post (check back here tomorrow and I will have my homework done)!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Human Interest Stories

Wikipedia says this about human interest stories:

A human interest story is a feature story that discusses a person or persons in an interactive and/or emotional way. It presents people and their problems, concerns, or achievements in a way that brings about interest or sympathy in the reader or viewer.

Human interest stories may be the story behind the story about an event, organization or otherwise faceless historical happening, such as about the life of an individual soldier during war-time, an interview with a survivor of a natural disaster, or profile of someone known for a career achievement.

Often this is what draws us into something that might otherwise just be boring news or history. For example, the movie "Pearl Harbor" (albeit fictitious) has a story behind the story that draws you in and makes you think about what people during that could have been experiencing. It is the only reason I enjoy history, to know that there were real people living real lives during the events that shaped and molded the world in which we live today. Other times, these human interest stories are simply normal people living through extraordinary circumstances. They are "nameless" strangers one day and because of a choice or decision they make the next day they are making headlines! This is what the following story is about...just 3 ordinary kids who made an extraordinary decision!

German lovers – aged six and five – try to elope to Africa

Mika and his girlfriend Anna-Bell found on way to airport with lilo, swimming trunks and a witness for the wedding in tow

Anna-Bell, Anna-Lena and Mika in police custody at the main railway station in Hanover

Anna-Bell, Anna-Lena and Mika at the police post at the main railway station in Hanover, central Germany, after being caught heading for the airport so Anna-Bell and Mika could 'get married in Africa'. Photograph: /AFP/Getty Images

It is a dream that has been shared by lovers across the centuries – the chance to elope to exotic lands. But few would have been as bold and spontaneous as six-year-old Mika and his five-year-old sweetheart Anna-Bell who, after mulling over their options in secret, packed their suitcases on New Year's Eve and set off from the German city of Hanover to tie the knot under the heat of the African sun.

The children left their homes at dawn while their unwitting parents were apparently sleeping, and took along Mika's seven-year-old sister, Anna-Lena, as a witness to the wedding.

Donning sunglasses, swimming armbands and dragging a pink blow-up lilo and suitcases on wheels packed with summer clothes, cuddly toys and a few provisions, they walked a kilometre up the road, boarded a tram to Hanover train station and got as far as the express train that would take them to the airport before a suspicious station guard alerted police.

"What struck us was that the little ones were completely on their own and that they had lots of swimming gear with them," said Holger Jureczko, a police spokesman. He described Mika and Anna-Bell as "sweethearts" who had "decided to get married in Africa where it is warm, taking with them as a witness Mika's sister".

Anna-Bell told the German television station RTL: "We wanted to get married and so we just thought: 'Let's go there.' "

Mika said: "We wanted to take the train to the airport, then we wanted to get on a plane and when we arrived we wanted to unpack the summer things and then we wanted to go for a bit of a stroll in the sun."

Mika and Anna-Lena's mother, who was not identified, said she had known nothing of her children's plan. "I'm still in a state of shock. I thought 'I'm playing a part in a bad movie.' When we realised the kids were missing we went looking for them." But only when the police called did they realise what had happened.

Asked why they failed to let their parents know, the children said they thought they would not be gone for long.

Mika told police he instigated the plan having been inspired by a winter holiday with his family in Italy. "Based on this the children began to make plans for the future," Jureczko said.

To allay their disappointment at being caught, Hanover police gave them a tour of the police headquarters. Jureczko said: "They'll have the chance to put their plan into action at a later date".

Your assignment today is to find, copy and paste into your blog a human interest story! Please make sure it is from a credible source and, of course, that it is school appropriate!!!

I found a couple of other stories that you might be interested in reading if you have some extra time!

Here is a link about a man who bought a winning lottery ticket and died the same day.

Here is a story about a baby born 2 days after her mother died. :(

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Through the Eyes of a Dog

Dogs love unconditionally, but do they really have feelings? Some people consider dogs as important as people. Others view them as pests! How do you feel?

Today you are going to go to your blog and post a story "through the eyes of a dog." It can be any story about anything (a birthday party, a trip to the vet, a walk through the park, getting picked up by the dog catcher, etc.) as long as it is through the eyes of a dog. Since it is through their eyes, it needs to be in first person! If you have a dog, it can be through their eyes. If you don't, it can be through a dog you have known or just some stray on the street. I want lots of details and make sure you give the dog a personality that shows through your story. This needs to be a story--not just a couple of sentences!

Also make sure you include a picture (or pictures). Remember it does not have to be a dog you know, so pictures can just come from the internet!

Have fun!