Wednesday, September 17, 2008

In His Arms

The following is a post from my personal blog...for some reason I wanted to share it with y'all (I used my husband's school name on this class blog to protect his true identity)! ;) Hope you enjoy...

I love being Mr. KP's wife!!! He is the most amazing husband in the world...without a doubt!! :) He is my very best friend!
I love being in his arms...I am always safe there!! He loves me, protects me, shares with me, listens to me, compliments me, makes me laugh, comforts me, provides for me, encourages me...he never judges me, hates me, leaves me, puts me down, disappoints me, discourages me. His love for me is unconditional and he has proven that time and time again! I can tell him anything...and do. I can completely be myself around him and take comfort in the fact that he will love me anyway! :) I know that when I make him mad or disappoint him, I can ask forgiveness and he will grant it! Yes, he gets mad...and may stay that way longer than I would hope...but eventually he comes full circle and forgives me. He loves me the entire time and I know that....even when he doesn't really like me, he still loves me!! I am not the easiest person to get along with, much less live with; but he does it because he loves me! It is the most awesome feeling to know that no matter what happens, at the end of the day he is still there...and still loving me!!! I can go to him for anything--almost anytime!!!
Wouldn't it be great if we all had that kind of relationship? Oh wait! We do!! We choose daily whether or not to take advantage of it, though! I am referring to our relationship with God! How great would it be if we put as much trust in God! I am talking to myself, of course! There are times when I feel like God doesn't want to listen or will think I am too bad!!! As Christians we should feel the same way about our relationship with God as I do about mine with Mr. KP. Only, no offense to Mr. KP, but ours with God is even better!!! He knows EVERYTHING and still chooses to love us!! If we will only go to Him!!! Remember, His is a 24-hour accessibility! He is never out of town, on vacation, asleep, in a meeting, busy with someone else........He is ALWAYS there! I am so thankful for my relationship with Mr. KP!! I am even more thankful for my relationship with God...and hope to be more mindful of how much He wants me to come to Him and share with Him--in good times and bad!!! I am going to try to lean more on God...I am going to make a conscious effort to spend more time "In His Arms"!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Look Into Your Crystal Ball...

I know that as seniors you get asked a lot what you want to do in the future. Well, I am asking you about your future, but I don't want cheesy responses about how you are going to graduate from high school, go to college, get a job, become a millionaire, blah, blah, blah...
I want you to sit back, clear your mind and really think about what you hope for in your future. I want realistic dreams. Tell me things like what kind of house you want to live in...and include details like will you have hard-wood floors, granite counter tops, a large king-sized sleigh bed??? Really think about it. What kind of car will you drive; will it have to be an SUV to haul around all your kids? What kind of person will you marry...looks, personality, values? Do you think you have even met that person yet? What town will you live in? Where will you work...will you be your own boss? What will your hobbies will you spend your spare time and/or weekends? Where will you go to church? What kind of vacations will you take...weekend get-a-ways...weeks in foreign countries? Who will your friends be?
Please understand that I am not talking about 5 or even 10 years...I want to know about when you are my age (a little over 30 ;) ) or even older. After you have "sown your wild oats" and settled down, what will your life be like? Who will you be? Are these things similar to what your parents have? Or will you make a life completely different from theirs? How much of an influence will/do they (and other adults) have on your future?
Open YOUR blog and respond to this post. I am not going to say that it needs to be a certain length, but I will say that I am looking for more than 2 or 3 sentences! I really want you to put some thought into this and really try to put yourself in your future...then tell me about it!! Enjoy!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Bonfire... I am sure you have heard by now that there will be no bonfire this year. In case you don't know, it was not necessarily a local decision. The Supreme Court actually made a ruling this summer that would hold school districts competely liable for any injuries related to a bonfire. Now that may not seem like a big deal until you consider how many ways people could get injured...and of course, how eager our society is to sue someone. Our local officials decided it would be in the best interest of all involved to do away with the bonfire all together rather than take chances on someone getting really hurt. Now, to seniors this really seems unfair--especially since it is YOUR senior year!! Rather than fight a losing battle, though; how about if you guys come up with an alternative that would become the new tradition!?! Just think, y'all could be the ones that start something that your grand kids will be doing years from now!! You might even start a trend around the know with the recent rulings there are other cities and schools that will no longer participate in this tradition. So blog about how you feel about no more bonfire...and throw out some ideas of alternatives!! Oh, and remember that ANYONE can read your posts, so KEEP THEM SCHOOL APPROPRIATE!!

In light of what has happened in the last 24 hours....please pray for Justin Gannaway and his family!! If you would like to leave a special post just for him, I am sure he and his family would appreciate it. I will find out if they have access to the internet. If not, I will print these notes out and make sure they are delivered.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


What a great story!!! I hope all of you are enjoying it so far!! It's crazy to think that people who were around when Jesus lived were also around to hear the first telling of this story!!! Wonder if any of them met Jesus AND heard a live presentation from a scop of Beowulf!?! Maybe we should all blog about that!! ;) Feel free...not an assignment...just a suggestion!!

Only 2 more days until you get to post on your blog again!!!! :)

Take the poll on the side!!

Have a great day!!!