Monday, May 4, 2009

Story Spinner

Story Spinner

Story Spinner is a handheld creative writing wheel that generates millions of writing ideas, topics, and exercises so you never get stuck. It’s a low-tech item that produces high-caliber results, time after time, no matter where you are. It was invented in 1998 by Bonnie Neubauer.

I found an online version of this game...but just couldn't seem to find what I was looking for in the way of topics, etc. I decided to use this idea and come up with my own "story spinners." I have come up with three options from which you can choose. I will give you a setting, starting phrase and four words that must be used in your story. I want the four words to be a different color than the rest of your story, so that I can find them easily! You will use my exact phrase for the opening of your story, but please notice it is just a phrase--not a complete sentence--so you must complete the thought and then begin your story from there!

These stories need to be AT LEAST three paragraphs with no less than five sentences per paragraph.

I also want you to find a picture for your story and place it at the beginning of your post. You may choose to use several pictures throughout your story, as well.

I KNOW you will have fun with this!! :)

Option 1

Setting: Your childhood neighborhood

Starting Phrase: As she approached my friends and me...

Four words that must be included in the story: barefoot, cartoon, chandelier, gibberish

Option 2

Setting: An airport

Starting Phrase: The long scar just below his left eye...

Four words that must be included in the story: immature, credentials, squint, onions

Option 3

Setting: A dark alley

Starting Phrase: I remember asking...

Four words that must be included in the story: blame, headlights, stubborn, vestibule's is an extra "spin" on this assignment! You may get with two others in your class and do this as a group assignment. You will still have your own story on your own blog, but only the first paragraph will be yours. Your friends will write the second and third one for you. You still have to follow the format above and use the required words! This means that you are still writing three paragraphs...just on three different stories! For those of you with ADHD, this should be perfect!! ;)


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