Friday, November 7, 2008

Anything!! :)

Since I am making you take a test before you blog today, I will allow you to blog about anything that is on your mind! It can be as short or long as you wish...

On a side note, we had a discussion a few weeks back about whether or not it rained before Noah's Ark... Well, I have been doing some research and found a pretty interesting website to put some scientific backing to the verses in Genesis that talk about how there was a mist that would rise from the ground to water all the trees, plants, etc. but no rain. You can click here to read more about all of this and then go to different links and read all about Noah's Ark and what they have found out about it in their research. You can click here for a Biblical account of the flood and Noah's Ark.

Pretty interesting!!
Have a great weekend!!

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